It has been quite a Fiasco
Realizing the swarm of bees
that live(hide, lurk) somewhere on our ranch
would not yield to the countless "tricks" attempted to keep them from the hbird feeders
Finally, a NEW FEEDER was found
I ordered two
guaranteed to be BEE PROOF
well, they are indeed keeping those buzzing ,feeder destroying, pollinating
buggers, from sucking out the hummingbird nectar
its been 2 weeks
and so far despite many brief visits from the whirling angels
none of them appear to be crazy about their new feeders
Oh yes,
it could be timing
the weather here in the Mojave desert
has been facilitating between extremes -100 degrees to 60 degrees
as Fall attempts to make her way fully into the Mojave desert
I wait
that when I return from the Right coast
the Whirling angels
will be whirling
and swirling
under the Pomegranate Canopy
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